As streaming prices increase, consider buying music again.

Even if you continue streaming, it’s a nice escape hatch to know you own a library if you ever feel like canceling.

3 Responses to “”

  1. @jays I thought buying CDs as a bad deal in the 90s, so I stopped listening to recorded music since that time. Nothing much has changed since, unfortunately. Most of the money still goes to the middlemen.

  2. z428 says:

    @jays Agree. But not just because of that – also, rather because virtually every musician I ever talked to in-person heavily complained about how ugly streaming services are to the creators, especially in terms of conditions and payouts. Even though I’d enjoy the convenience, I still can’t get any closer to any of these services because of that.

  3. grubz says:

    @jays I’ve been buying records for a few years and the bigger my collection gets the more comfy I feel in case streaming completely enshittifies itself one day. I keep seeing crates of super cheap used CDs when I shop second hand places for records. I might start adding those to the collection too.

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